EDIT: See this thread for the most current version: https://www.mystran.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=2
The older Intel MKL sparse solver has been removed. This was done because those libraries are no longer available and it was not a good sparse solver.
However, this means that a BDF should have the line "PARAM, SOLLIB, ZZPACK" to call LAPACK as the default solver. Otherwise, it will call the Intel solver by default, which is no longer available. I think the default should change to ZZPACK, but for for the meantime be aware of this item.
The older Intel MKL sparse solver has been removed. This was done because those libraries are no longer available and it was not a good sparse solver.
However, this means that a BDF should have the line "PARAM, SOLLIB, ZZPACK" to call LAPACK as the default solver. Otherwise, it will call the Intel solver by default, which is no longer available. I think the default should change to ZZPACK, but for for the meantime be aware of this item.