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Notes from Harry Schaeffer:

1. The IFP should be thrown away. I suggest marrying pynastan code and sqlite. Steve has done a lot of work in writing code for parsing and validating bulk data. These data can then be written to sglite tables.

2. Write interface routines to replace the geom1, 2, etc files. The code that implements the bulk data items still expects to find the internal bulk data codes.

3. The MPL should be replaced so that it is easier add new modules.

4.The checkpoint/restart must be replaced with a database restart.

5. Several helper fortran modules such as a scratch file manager would be useful.

6. Rethink the startup code.

7. Remove and replace the eigen and solve routines.
Some other notes from Harry Schaeffer:

Interesting that I have been working on an article that describes how to build Calculix using Code Blocks. I work was done using Ubuntu 18.04 that you mentioned in your note.

I have also used C::B to build a much enhanced version of Nastran95 that I call ComLab. The architecture of Nastran is a keeper, with some major improvements, but the FEA libraries are not useful in today's world. The 95 code has 2 main libraries: MIS are Machine independent source; and MDS are Machine dependent source. You might try these first using C::B.

It you are looking for a modern Nastran, there is always MSC.Nastran from MSC Software. I also offer ComLab which is delivered on a memory stick for $100 that covers packaging and shipping. If this is of interest I will send you a copy of the EULA.